(10-TIPS) How to Become an On page SEO Expert in 2022

(10-TIPS) How to Become an On page SEO Expert in 2022

There's a lot to keep track of in the ever-changing world of search engines and their algorithms. You can't just write an article or publish a blog post and expect it to land on the front page of Google magically – you've got some work to do. Doing your site's on-page SEO right is one of the most crucial tasks.

What is on-page SEO? This is a frequently requested question among novice bloggers.  It's not difficult if you know what you're doing, and Webys will make understanding on-page SEO a breeze! Keep reading!

What is On Page SEO?

On-page or on-site SEO refers to getting a website to rank high in search engine results by using keywords and key phrases relevant to its content. 

A huge portion of on-page SEO deals with keywords and content for your website or blog pages, and it involves optimizing individual posts or entire sites. It is the best practice to ensure that web pages are structured to help them rank in the top results in Google and other search engines. 

When you're doing on-page search engine optimization (SEO), you're focusing on aspects. Including Meta tags, URL structure, heading tags, alt text, and breaking up large chunks of information into smaller sentences and paragraphs make it easier for Google's spiders to index your site. If done well, On-Page SEO can boost rankings quickly and relatively easily!

Is On Page SEO Important in 2022?

on page SEO

Since Google's Panda Update in 2011, technical on-page SEO has taken a back seat to more important factors. According to the official announcement of the update, "high-quality sites" are defined by their content, while low-quality sites are defined by thin or duplicate content and other factors!

The importance of On-page SEO increases since it tells search engines what your website is about. Search engine optimization isn't just about backlinks but also about getting the highest position on Google for certain keywords. On-page SEO tactics make it easy for search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo to find your website. 

As a result, ignoring on-site SEO will not help your site succeed or reach your desired level.

Best On-Page SEO 2022 Practices

SEO services focus on off-page optimization, which implies that you get links from other sites pointing back to your site, which helps search engines find it. 

On-page SEO is a bit different from that. You are working on your website's ranking by using keywords and key phrases in several site areas, including the title, body content, Meta tags, and alt tags for images.

Below are some important things to keep in mind if you want to optimize your website on-page.


This is the first thing people notice when they visit a site, as it is displayed prominently across browsers and devices. A good title is:

Concise: A good web page title will usually fall between 65 and 70 characters (including spaces and punctuation). This provides enough room for your primary keyword or phrase to be included while still presenting an effective SEO-friendly heading. Titles that are too long may get cut off in SERPs, meaning less traffic for you! And if they're too short, search engines may not include them when someone searches for your keywords!

Relevant: Search engines are looking for titles that describe what your page is about. If you have a blog post titled "Family Photos," but the post's actual content has nothing to do with family photos, it may not be indexed as high as something more relevant, like "Best Pool Party Ideas."

Keyword Friendly: This means using your primary keyword or phrase in the title of your blog post at least once. If someone is searching for that keyword or phrase, you want to make sure they find your content! They may click on other pages if you don't include search terms near (or within) your title tag. This will prevent people from finding and reading your posts, to less traffic and view, which means less traffic to your blog!

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Meta Tags

Meta tags can be defined as snippets of code that provide information about the website to search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. If you want your web pages to rank high, then they must contain correct metadata. 

Make sure you include keywords in these descriptions since this helps people find the site with relevant queries. However, it is important to keep in mind that Meta tags with keywords should not be stuffed with them since the descriptions should be pleasing for readers too.

Body Content

This is where your article's content lies and you have a lot of liberty when it comes to choosing what you want to write about on this web page. However, there are some things you can do to increase the chances of your web page ranking high in search engine results and improve traffic:

1. Use the keyword

Make sure that your keywords and phrases appear naturally; the whole point of writing is to communicate with readers, so try not to force it too much. Use synonyms for important words and phrases and paraphrase content to give it a different meaning while keeping the context.

If you are targeting "online marketing," don't overuse the phrase "online marketing"; however, do mention it several times within your content. Doing so identifies what your article or web page is about for both Google's spider and people scanning through the results of a search engine query.

Tip: Make sure your primary keyword appears in the first 50 to 100 words of your post.

2. Use headings and subheadings 

The contents of your web pages should be easy to scan for readers, so make sure to use headings and subheadings, and these make it easy for readers to comprehend your articles easily.

The most important heading you can use is called "H1". This is used for the main title of web pages or blog posts, which will appear at the top of your browser window or tab. 

Search engine bots see this word as very important and give more weight to keywords and phrases than any other heading on the page (except perhaps H2s). Page-level H1 tags can provide search engines with a quick overview of what a page's content contains, so it is important to use them appropriately.

Tip: Try to include your main keywords in the headline you'll use in the content!

3. Have good internal linking structure

A simple trick that you can use for boosting click-through rates (and therefore page rankings) is to include links within your web page content back to related articles on the same website. 

This creates a trail of breadcrumbs for Google's spiders to know which pages are most relevant to each other and will help improve the chances of ranking high in search results. 

Look at how the average article starts with general information. Still, toward the end, it gets specific because it has linked out towards supporting content on the same website - this way, users who come across either want more general information or want more specific information.

4. Make sure your content is readable & mistake free

Having readable text with proper grammar, punctuation, and structure benefits users and search engines. Nobody wants to read sloppy article copy, so make it easy on yourself by giving your words some structure. 

Another crucial point to remember is to keep your phrases and paragraphs short in your post. This will make it easier for people to read your posts since there won't be any big blocks of text. You can separate them by using headings or lists instead.

Incorrect use of keywords is a bad practice that continues even though search engines have become smarter and more refined. Over-optimization of content is the practice of stuffing keywords into an article so that it no longer reads naturally and causes more harm than good; you end up losing readers instead of gaining rankings.

5. Use images

Make use of images wherever necessary because they tend to enhance the quality of your web pages. Just don't forget to include relevant alt tags with keywords so that search engines understand what they are about too! 

Also, make sure you're using images that aren't owned by anyone because utilizing photographs that aren't users can lead to copyright difficulties.  In that scenario, look into sites like Pexel, Unsplash, and Pixabay, which offer royalty-free photos that can be used anywhere.

6. Don't stuff keywords into article text            

Keyword stuffing was a big no-no a few years ago, but today it doesn't matter as much anymore. Webys does not recommend you go crazy with it because Google penalizes websites that try to jam multiple keywords every place possible throughout their website.  But don't worry too much about trying to fit your keyword in every sentence like some gurus suggested. Just make sure it is included frequently and naturally, and you will be fine!

7. Get social

Social media is a great way to get your targeted keywords before people who are already interested in your product/service. If you have a good website that ranks well in the search engines for relevant keywords, it will be much easier to entice social users to click on links back to your site. This makes sharing and promoting easy both from the user's perspective and yours as an online business owner.

8. Make things easy for search engine bots

You can make life easier for Google spiders by including their snippet tags such as Meta description, Meta keywords, and 'alt' tags where appropriate (as mentioned above). These snippets tell Google whether or not your page contains the information they are looking for, helping them rank your site higher in organic search results.

9. Mobile Experience + Website Loading Time

The mobile experience is becoming increasingly important as mobile internet usage increases. This means that your website needs to be compatible with the many different mobile devices users might use. You can check compatibility by using Google's Mobile-Friendly Test.

Spend time making sure your website loads fast, especially if you have long articles loaded with images. People are impatient when it comes to page loading; if they think the content is too long or it takes too much time for their device to load, they will leave immediately. Plus, Google has stated many times that fast-loading websites make better use of their crawling budget.

10. Keep readers in Mind

When writing posts on your website, always keep your readers in mind; never try to search for a keyword that you think will get you top rankings. Instead, give your readers what they want and then optimize it properly to ensure you're getting the most out of your on-page SEO.

If you have an eCommerce website, let's assume that you are specific about how many items are left in stock. If there are only ten left, make sure you mention it in the title and description of your product. This will not only save you and Google time, but it will also make your readers more likely to purchase said items.

Furthermore, every article that you publish should be well-researched and contain useful information. If possible, try to add images that add value to the content and contain a link back to your website or another post. It will do wonders for your site!

Wrapping it up

So, in conclusion, there are many things you can do to help improve your search engine rankings, but it is important that none of these tactics take away from the user's experience on your website or provide low quality or irrelevant content to users who come across your page through organic results.

The on-page SEO tactics stated above are still important today, and if you use them regularly, you can rank your site.  We hope you found this information to be useful. 

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